Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Physics and Math Assistant

Physics and Math Assistant is an iOS application which assists in solving physics and math problems.  The application consists of equations and formulas useful in a number of different areas in math and physics.  The categories include Classical Mechanics, Special Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and general Math.  Categories can be enables/disabled in the Options screen.  Also, the precision is customizable.  When entering values always remember to be consistent in units between variables.  If the equation uses any constants, be sure to use SI units.

When you launch the application, you get a list of equations/formulas by category:

Once you select something, the equation page is presented where you can enter values for all required variables.   Once all required variables are entered, tap Solve to solve the equation or Clear to clear the inputs:

On the Options page, you can enable/disable categories and also specify the precision you would like to see in the results: